Saying Goodbye
As pet owners, we try our hardest to make sure that our faithful companions stay fit and healthy, living into a good old age. Unfortunately, our pets do not live as long as us and at some point, we do have to prepare to let them go. Sadly, few of our pets will pass peacefully away in their sleep, so we all wish to do the right thing at the right time, fulfilling our responsibility and commitment in their final days. This is always a very difficult decision and one we are here to help you with. We hope these words will help you and your family in a time of conflicting emotions.
Nobody knows their pet better than you and your family or friends, so let them help and share in making a reasoned judgement on your pet’s quality of life.
Some signs that things may not be well may include:
Loss of appetite
A reluctance to play and move around as normal
Restlessness or becoming withdrawn from you
When the time is right to put your pet to sleep, you may see some evidence of all or some the above indicators and your pet may seem distressed, uncomfortable or disorientated within your home.
Is there nothing more we can do?
We will discuss all treatment options open for your pet to relieve their symptoms, but there will come a time when all treatments have been exhausted, we have discovered the disease is incurable, or you feel your pet is now suffering. At this time you and your family may wish to talk with your Veterinary Surgeon to help you all come to this final decision; in this case, we can arrange an appointment for you to talk things through.
When and where can we say goodbye?
We hope we can help you and your family understand this part of your pet’s life journey. This is known as ‘euthanasia’ often referred to as ‘putting to sleep’. When you are ready having decided that the time has come, you can contact your surgery and make an appointment. We will always try to make this appointment at a time that is convenient for you – usually at a quieter time of the day.
It is also sometimes possible to arrange this appointment to be performed in the comfort of your own home. If this is an option you would like, we will do our best to arrange a home visit. When they have put your pet to sleep, we can either take the body back to the surgery for cremation or leave them with you to bury at home. Additional charges will apply for this service and certain times of day may be restricted.
Can I or do I have to stay with my pet?
Being present when your pet is put to sleep will be both emotional and distressing, but the majority of owners feel that they give comfort to their pet during their last moments, but this is not right for everyone this is not right for everyone. We understand if you do not want to stay in the room with your pet but make your goodbyes afterwards and we will always make time for you and your family to do this.
How does it happen?
Initially we will ask you to sign a consent form to give us permission to put your pet to sleep. You may have already discussed with your vet what you then wish to do with your pet’s body afterwards, but we will confirm this on the consent form.
Many owners are surprised by how peaceful euthanasia can be. It involves injecting an overdose of anaesthetic into the vein of your pet’s front leg. Usually we will inserted a catheter into the vein first or sedate your pet if they are particularly nervous or uncomfortable.
After the anaesthetic has been injected, they will rapidly lose consciousness, stop breathing and their heart will stop. Your vet will check that their heart has stopped beating and confirm that they have passed away. On occasion, the pet’s muscles and limbs may tremble and they may gasp a few times, these are reflex actions only “not signs of life “ but may be upsetting. If they occur, they are unavoidable. Your pet’s eyes will remain open and it is normal for them to empty their bowel or bladder as the body shuts down.